How to Begin

Office Location:

All sessions currently held online.

Phone: (778) 908-1349


Scheduling an Appointment

Send an email with the best number and times to reach you. I will get back to you within 48hrs and we will schedule an initial call. On the initial call we can discuss your interest in therapy, as well as fee and scheduling options.

The best way to determine what it will be like to work together is to meet in person. There is no commitment necessary to meet for an initial consultation.

Initial Consultation

Our first meeting is a working session: we limit history taking to that which is relevant to your main issue of concern. Often we can clarify the goals of therapy in the first hour, and create a sense of our working relationship.

I recognize that for many people this first meeting is a significant step in trusting that important areas of their lives can get better. Among other things it is an opportunity to simply express and be heard on matters close to your heart, and to begin to see yourself in a more generous light. The session ends with time to reflect on what has been shared, and we discuss the possibilities of working together.

For inquiries, please use the contact form below, call (778) 908-1349 or email

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“Jamie is a kind, honest and professional psychotherapist.  He has a very calming presence and I'd recommend him for anyone looking to get in better touch with their emotions.  He was extremely accommodating working with my shifting schedule and provided a safe place to explore and grow.  I'm glad I crossed paths with him!”

Tom, Social Worker


“Jamie is a very caring, compassionate, knowledgeable, and nonjudgmental therapist. He helped me through a tough period in my life, and was highly committed to my personal growth and development. His understanding of human psychology is superb. He had many resources available as well so that the therapy went beyond the weekly meetings. We journeyed through many aspects of my life, and Jamie offered sound advice, unique perspectives, and cognitive techniques to discover more of who I am. I can honestly and unwaveringly recommend Jamie to anyone seeking to make a change in their life and truly discover who they are.”

Don, Medical Doctor


“You can tell that Jamie loves his work. My husband and I felt very safe discussing our relationship with him. He was quick to read our situation and not afraid to point some truths that weren’t easy to hear, but helped us take an honest look at our relationship.  Occasionally, I disagreed with him in the moment, he didn't try to convince me, but rather took time to understand where I was coming from. I am a better, happier person as a result of the hard work we did with Jamie's guidance.”

Jessica, Photographer


"For years I've struggled with relationship challenges and family pressures. Making the commitment to work on these issue in therapy with Jamie made a HUGE difference in my life. Jamie is an excellent counselor. I feel calmer and clearer about myself, and all my relationships are doing much better as a result."

Smriti, Business Developer


“I've worked with Jamie as a client for both private and men's group therapy, and can definitely say I've greatly benefitted from his insight and expertise with human emotion and relationship. His kind and gentle words, vehicles for his precise sense of empathy and intuition, make him not just a great therapist, but also a great teacher and friend. I can say that I've been truly blessed and honored to have been his client, as the guidance and support he gives is priceless.”

Feras, Artist


“Jamie has a wonderful presence about him that is calming, peaceful, accepting, and shows genuine care. I highly recommend him to all age groups and a diverse range of cultures.  His life experience adds tremendously to the impact he has on his clients.”

Teresa, Beautician


“Jamie is an inspiring therapist and group leader.  He has extensive experience in men's issues and is an amazing resource in helping people from all backgrounds get in touch with their real selves.  His compassionate approach makes him easy to work with but he also challenges clients to take action and not sit on the sidelines waiting for change. I highly recommend Jamie as a therapist to anyone choosing to do the work of self-discovery.”

Nick, Martial Arts Instructor


“Jamie is a thoughtful and powerful facilitator of personal change and transformation. Having experienced his work in a psychotherapy mens group, I can attest to his ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics with skill and insight, as well as encouraging authentic expression of emotions and feelings. He makes the space safe, by holding clear and important boundaries, but he also utilizes the space to facilitate powerful group as well as personal transformation by diving deep into the inner realms of the psyche.”

Jesse, Therapist